Friday, August 19, 2011

"Mars Needs Moms" Mothering Musings

I had the opportunity to watch Disney's "Mars needs Moms" today with my daughters. Basically, a boy's mother gets kidnapped by aliens who want to use said mother for her discipline. The aliens are convinced that they can isolate and capture the "discipline" gene that Mom's seem to have, so that they can use it to create order to the future generations of aliens. The boy follows his mother onto the alien's spaceship and ends up in Mars, where he quickly discovers that the ruling body of aliens are all females. Females run the government, make up the army, and use state of the art technology to help them raise the next generation of females.  The male aliens, on the other hand, are ostracized and sent to live underground (think of Plato's "Republic" with the cave allegory) where they raise the baby boy aliens that have been rejected by the females.  The common contrast between the female and male societies is that the females live in a world of light and order, but are strictly controlled. The males on the other hand, live in a world the is predominately dark and chaotic, but the men are the "huggers" and embrace fun and family playtime.  By the end of the movie, the boy is able to not only save his Mom, but convince the aliens that the baby aliens deserve to grow up in a world that consists of both chaos and order, light and dark, but to ultimately feel the love and support from both parents.
I was struck, and not for the first time either, by the thought that once again, Disney has nailed a social commentary. While women are naturally more nurturing, men also play a vital role in the lives of children. At times I think I can handle doing all the parenting for my girls without my husband around, or at least do it in a more efficient and orderly manner, but that doesn't make it more effective. The girls love spending time with their Dad, and although his parenting techniques might be different than mine, we are both striving for the same goal: to help our daughters become well adjusted members of society, high-functioning, and happy.  It will take both of us to do this properly and I have every intention on giving my girls what they need and deserve.
On a less philosophical note, the girls thought it was strange that the boy could defy gravity on Mars and jump really high without getting hurt. Go Disney for glossing over the cuts and bruises associated with being the protagonist.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Helping Hands" Head Trip

Since I was about 14 years old, I've had a business concept in my head, which I've spent the last decade perfecting on and off.  Mostly, this idea came to me and my mother and we've been figuring out how to turn this into something real.  Basically, it is a wellness clinic, dedicated to helping others in a safe and comfortable environment.  But its main function is to bringing balance, peace, and harmony to an individual either by mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual means.  This is the business's mission statement and every aspect of the buiness model falls within the mission statement and purpose.
I've chosen, but not yet trademarked, the name "Helping Hands".  Of course I'm still brainstorming which font I would use for the letter head. Underneath the company name is its (not yet copyrighted) slogan: "Healing Hearts through Massage, Mental Health, Movement, Music, and Munchies."

I'll explain each of these slogan alliterations (although it should be pretty self-explanatory):
The first service that "Helping Hands" will provide to the public is Massage Therapy.  Six rooms (roughly 10 x15 square feet each) will be dedicated to relaxation through massage for individuals, couples, and expecting mothers. These rooms will optimize quiet, calm, and serenity and will have built-in speakers to allow relaxing music to travel throughout the entire Massage Wing.  Through massage, the clients will be able to relax and ease the physical stress of the day and leave rejuvenated.

The second, to provide Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy to any clients who come in, and these clients are seen by Licensed MFTs, Clinical Social Workers, and Clinical Phycologists to help them better their Mental Health and relationships.  Roughly 1100 square feet (or four rooms) of the building would be dedicated as private sitting rooms for clients and therapists to meet and talk for an hour or two once a week. These living-room type settings would enable the clients to feel more like they are talking to a friend, rather than feel like a case number.  Strict privacy would insure the confidentiality of the clients as well as the safety of the therapist.

The third aspect is Movement and Merriment.  I want to incorporate a day care for those parents using the facilities. This indoor/outdoor soundproof area will allow the children (ages 6 months to 6 years) to interact with kids of their own age in a safe environment that will carefully supervised by Child Educators and Early-childhood Development Specialists. An outdoor grass and small playground will be tree sheltered, and be roughly 1500 square feet, thus being able to accommodate up to 15 children at any given time.  The indoor play area (for babies and rainy days) will include everything from blocks, books, stuffed animals, and puzzles, and, obviously, include outdoor access. A TV will be wall-mounted to allow for DVDs to be played that are kid-appropriate.  The indoor area will be open, airy, and equipped with a check-in and check-out desk as well as a one-way mirror for the parents to check on their kids without interrupting the playtime.  But all the windows and bearing walls will be soundproof so not to disturb the massage and therapy session going on at the same time. All staff working with children will be screened and security will be in place to assure the protection of all children on site.

The fourth Amenity hypothetically offered by "Helping Hands" would be Music, specifically music lessons.  Here, I want to provide a music room complete with a Baby Grand piano, a Concert Grand Harp and Lever Harp, and various other musical CDs and lesson books for children and adults to come and receive music lessons by trained musicians.  Flute, string instruments, and voice lessons might also be incorporated into the music program. But ultimately, I want to provide a place for local musicians to give live performances to the patrons of "Helping Hands".  Their music will be recorded and broadcasted through the speakers into the massage rooms, waiting rooms, and therapy rooms (with the therapist having the option of turning off the speakers to that room). The musicians then have the option of selling their CDs to the public that comes into the facility.

Lastly, "Helping Hands" will provide Munchies for the guests. A kitchen will be included on site, and at the beginning of everyday, the items on the menu will be baked and cooked.  These food items, will be simple, yet healthy snacks that the clients and patrons can purchase. Of course, small samples will be complementary given, but the food will be visible via coolers and bakery cases, and may purchased at the reception desk, the same with all services.  All staff will be required to have current food handler's permits as well as maintain guest confidentiality.

My vision for "Helping Hands" is to provide a safe place to rejuvenate mind, body, and heart. I want the prices to competitively reflect the services offered, but still be affordable to most everyone. While I still need several more years of thought, education, and collected resources to bring this to fruition, I'm hoping to be able to open ten "Helping Hands" locations around the United States.  I'm still working on the floor plan, but I know that each facility would be at least 2200 square feet, if not bigger, in order to accommodate the various amenities offered.  Once I receive the education I need, I'm hoping to have the first "Helping Hands" up and running smoothly by the time I'm 45 years old.

Well, now that I've laid out my business model to you, please feel free to offer any suggestions and advice on how to improve my vision.  Although I would be most grateful if you not use these ideas to create a similar business. Although if you do, I just ask that you not name it "Helping Hands". Thanks!

26 Goals at age 26

Hi! I've decided to go with my strengths on this next blog post. I am passionate about planning and figuring out logistical details, almost to the point of being fanatical. So I will simply give you a list of the 26 goals I hope to accomplish in the next six years, now that I am 26.  These goals are a combination of personal, family, education, and career goals:

1.  Family pictures every other year (2011, 2013, 2015), kids pictures taken every six months.
2. Start UCMT program either in October 2011 or October 2012 (finish by August 2013)
3. Start working at Resort or Medical field by September 2013
4. Apply to Grad School or Law School (Fall 2016)
5. Finish 72 Hour kits by December 2011
6. Three year old potty-trained by age four (June 2012)
7. Kids taught to read and write at age five (October 2011 and 2013)
8. Bookshelf and filing cabinets organized by December 2011
9. Bunk-beds built by Summer 2012
10. Family SUV purchased in Spring 2013
11. Chicago Concertino Grand Harp ($15,000), purchased in Summer 2013
12. Run half-marathon by July 2012
13. Pay off student loans by December 2013
13. Invest in stock portfolio for each family member each month by June 2014
14. Work part-time by June 2011, full-time by June 2012
15. Buy a house by Fall 2012
16. Get a dog and two cats by Spring 2013
17. Finish research and writing Historical novel by December 2015
18. Run full marathon by Fall 2013
19. Play Harp for 40 functions a year starting in Fall of 2013
20. Family trip to Disneyland in 2013
21. Start Husband's Architecture Grad Program in Fall of 2014
22. Cars paid off by 2014
23. Move out-of-state Summer of 2014
24. Graduate school finished by 2017
25. Novel published by Fall 2016
26. Baby in 2012? 2014?

I like to function in five or six year plans and so by the time I'm thirty, I hope to have most of these accomplished. I'll keep you updated on mine and my family's progress on each of these. 

Idiom as Introduction

Hello!  Welcome to Random Ruminations!
Despite the abundant alliterations, I use writing as a way to relax. Putting thoughts on paper, or in this case, the World Wide Web, allows me to maintain clarity in my thoughts that are frequently scattered in my attempt to raise a three and five year old.
Although I love writing, this is the first blog I've created. Usually, most of my writing consists of thoughts written with pen and paper, word processors, and an occasional opinion editorial.  So while attempting to try out this new media outlet that has swept the world, I find that perhaps this will be a good way to write my thoughts for constructive criticism and feedback from you.
Ultimately, I want this blog to serve three purposes: The first, to allow me to channel my random thoughts into a coherent collaboration of commentaries. Second, to act as a practice for writing to broad audiences and speaking to people of various backgrounds and experiences.  Finally, to get further ideas and insights from others on how to improve my writing techniques and expressions. Thus, building upon their ideas to create concepts that are worthy to be published and brought to fruition.
Given the nature of blogging, this will start out as being followed by those of you who already know me personally, and then perhaps expand from there. But in the meantime, I hope that you will enjoy these random ruminations from A. J. Hanks, and feel free to contact me on ways that I can improve my correspondence with you.
Until the next rumination hits me, I hope you will take care!